MCM Electronics T-Shirt Design
After agreeing to sponsor the 2016 Dayton Maker Faire, MCM committed to having a large team present to man the Learn to Solder booth, a selling booth, as well as placing entrants in the Boneyard Build Off. I led an initiative to ensure all MCM’s team members had a unified look by designing and screen printing t-shirst for the team.
The Design
With over 300,000 products, MCM is very broad line. What better way to present a large group of topics or categories than a tag cloud? I pulled a list of MCM’s top keywords and search phrases and threw them into a tag cloud generator. I situated the phrases around the MCM logo for the front of the shirt and made sure the logo and web address were very visible on the back.
I’d recently learned to screen print, so I was able to do the printing in-house to save the company some money. I burned a screen with the designs and printed the t-shirts one day at lunch.